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Ranked Playlist Data

In Smash 6, the Records Menu for Ranked 1v1 will show the player their personal matchup chart for a selected character. This chart shows Favorable, Neutral, and Unfavorable matchup data, where a Favorable matchup is one where the win-rate is 70% or greater, Unfavorable is 30% or lower, and Neutral is in-between. Selecting a particular matchup will breakdown the set data per stage type. Only the 10 most recent sets per each stage type are tracked, so a matchup can have at most 50 sets of history.

The Records Menu for Ratio Tag Team will show the player their win/loss rate when the selected character is present on their team, as well as showing their win/loss rate when the selected character is on the opposing team. Only the 10 most recent sets with that character are tracked (the 10 sets being tracked separately for player team and opposing team).


Personal Matchup Charts give the player insight into areas they excel / struggle in, having more value than Global Matchup Charts and tier lists.