Automatic Character Striking
When playing Ranked 1v1 in Smash 6, before queuing into the matchmaking system, the player selects 3 characters on the Character Select Screen. When players are paired in the matchmaking system, an automatic character striking system takes place which strikes (removes) two of the opponent's character selections. The game is played with the characters remaining after the striking occurs.
By default, the automatic striking will remove the two characters the opponent selected second and third. To change this behavior, the player must first define a sorted list of 10 Playable Fighters, called a Strike List.
The automatic striking system looks at the opponent's Fighter selections in the order they were picked. If the first selected character is not on the Strike List, that is the character used. If the first character appears on the strike list but the second character does not, then the second character is used. If the first and second characters are on the strike list, but the third is not, the third is used. If all three characters the opponent has selected appear on the strike list, then the two fighters closest to 1 on the Strike List will be struck.
The player can set the automatic character striking to one of the following options:
- Default: Ignore the Strike List and always strike the two characters the opponent selected second and third
- Reduced Strike List: Only strike characters that appear in slot 1 or 2 on the Strike List.
- Full Strike List: Use the full Strike List, as described above
Striking will only occur for Legend Rank opponents if the Legend Rank opponent already has a Mastery Badge for the character they first selected on the Character Select Screen.
Historically, we know that certain characters can cause players to get very frustrated, to the point of not wanting to play the game anymore. The characters that cause this frustration aren't the same for everyone and this lets the player choose. This feature gives both players a great chance of having fun in every match they play. It does mean that each player is encouraged to have 3 "mains', which is good anyway for a game with a larger roster and a Tag Team 3v3 mode.