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All-Star Boss Rush

This mode is a combination of previous entries All-Star Mode and Boss-Rush. It is a gauntlet of rounds that the player must fight through to be victorious. Each round consists of battling 3 Fighters, followed by a Boss Fight. The order in which Fighters are challenged is randomized each time the mode is played. The order of some (not all) bosses is randomized as well. A fixed seed can also be played.

The player begins this mode with only one stock for the character they selected. Whenever the player defeats a Fighter, that Fighter is added to their pool of available characters, with 1 stock. Whenever the player is KO’d, the next Fighter in their queue comes out. If no Fighters are available for the player to use, a Game Over occurs. There are no recovery items in this mode. A difficulty of 9.9 can be set from the start.

This mode supports 2-player cooperative play.


This mode is a great showcase of all the Fighters and Bosses in Smash 6. A fun and intense challenge.